Utopia : The Land of My Soul
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Unplugged Plugged

"Standing on the streets
gazing at the sky"
This is what we all do throughout our lives untill we chance upon our consciousness one day, as if from nowhere so it seems then, and the two selves which had been at loggerheads with each other forego all hard feelings. But this chance meeting becomes the "manna dew" for us, the poorly fed souls. The cathartic process begins in us and we cease to cap on the garb of dual personalities and don on an image, complete in itself because it smelts the "dual", metamorphoses it, moulds it to scrape off the duality in us.
Well, isn't that utopic ?
Yes, that is all what growing up is all about. You will be highly mistaken if you presume that the growth I'm talking about is somatic or psychic. Its the spiritual growth of a person that is initiated by the purging of souls. The inertia of this process continues as long as the motley of ill clothes the soul. But the whole thing is directly proportional to the clarion call of our consciousness. One whose inner self desires to be on a perpetual necklock with the outer self and both are adamant enough as not to show a white flag, can never feel the egging of the superego; a man can never rise from his own ashes like a phoenix if he never treads on the wrong path and then realizes the foibles, if he never fiddles with his own self, if he never forges a way out for himself when fixated in the labyrinths of life. The Id of a man has to dodge into collision with his Super-ego if at all, the latter has to clinch away the coveted win.
So, there is a small piece of suggestion for all you sinners who commit sins day in and day out. Never try to repress your true feelings, never strangle your inner voice to death.
Rise to the call of the conscience.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Basking in Summer
This scorching summer will never let us be. The good old sun has a jolly god demeaneur---- it tortures us to death and grins sadistically. Sure it does so, or else how can it cry so vehemently during monsoon as it repents for its mischievious pranks? Yes, to cause vasoconstriction or vasodilation depending on its whims, and putting people shamelessly to death is its age old game. No wonder our curses pay off in the later part of the year when it has to go soft in winters from its glaring and harsh form that we are accustomed with. Then we gain sadistic pleasure by watching the pale Sun with its heat engine frozen.
But surely there are ways to keep the "busie old fool, unruly sun" that "through windows and through curtains call on us" out of our harm's way. How? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..................
Let the "gyan guru" take over and deliver the lectures!
1) Hang out your tongues so that the body heat that soars up high is expiated by the "kewl" (read cool) air that your bronchial chords takes in every time you pant.
2) Wear ill-fitting garments that gives the impression that you are into your father's/mother's wardrobe, to let the air pass in & out without much hindrances. Make it your style mantra this summer. May be it does not add to your oomph, but surely does not keep people distanced by your "stink-phatis"!(not oomphatis)
3) "Black is beautiful!" No i'm certainly not talking about Bhansali's film that won rave reviews. I'm talking about the pre-historic sun block ,that was primarily invented in this country that technologically lags behind- the Sun forsaken Umbrella. So make the "template" of your umbrella black and the "front size" can be as large as possible (that is to say just that it should be able to "bulk" cover you up)
4) Don't forget to carry your own bottle containing all the letters from H-to-O. that is very basic yet essential. That does not only give your body its fluids, (that are sucked by that yellow yellow dirty fellow) but also some hydration for your parched face that needs hydration too to hook many a faces. Don't ignore it or else your beauty will diminishes and all those devotees will be 9-2-11.
5) Now, for the want of that icy cool feel. How you want to be like those onscreen sirens flaunting their drool stats in the blazing sun dropping sun tan! Well for that you should preferably carry a bottle of thanda thanda cool cool oil called "Navratan tae el". It will instantly maker you do a jig like Govinda and you win kudos for it. Or if you want your man to do that, you just have to let the creature have a spoonfull. And a shortcut to impress your friends by making your lovable pet dance on your rhythmic finger tappings.
So Gals get out in the Sun and have a blast! All your tools to scandalize the world out of its senses are at your hand.
Bye for now,
Gyan Guru

You are fervently romantic and even in your dreams you dance like a swan with elan and panache. This is your ideally idle dreaming. When this picture or its remniscent, flashes in your mind while at work, you cannot stop smiling. And your thousand irritations vanish away like vapours. That's what i call is the magical spell of dreaming.
In dreams you can be a fairy God-mother to all the troubles, and swish your wand to find their otherwise unlikely and impracticable solutions. You can choose to be as you like it in a mid-summer's night's dream and poke mischief like Puck. You can be monstrous to all your real life enemies whom you murder each day in your mind.Now, when you exactly know what i am talking about.