Utopia : The Land of My Soul
Tuesday, April 04, 2006

You are fervently romantic and even in your dreams you dance like a swan with elan and panache. This is your ideally idle dreaming. When this picture or its remniscent, flashes in your mind while at work, you cannot stop smiling. And your thousand irritations vanish away like vapours. That's what i call is the magical spell of dreaming.
In dreams you can be a fairy God-mother to all the troubles, and swish your wand to find their otherwise unlikely and impracticable solutions. You can choose to be as you like it in a mid-summer's night's dream and poke mischief like Puck. You can be monstrous to all your real life enemies whom you murder each day in your mind.Now, when you exactly know what i am talking about.
Remove the red colour. try something lighter in hue and a larger font. Also pics should be loaded at the corner of the page.
And as for writing, I must say it's BEAUTY !!!!
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