Utopia : The Land of My Soul
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Unplugged Plugged

"Standing on the streets
gazing at the sky"
This is what we all do throughout our lives untill we chance upon our consciousness one day, as if from nowhere so it seems then, and the two selves which had been at loggerheads with each other forego all hard feelings. But this chance meeting becomes the "manna dew" for us, the poorly fed souls. The cathartic process begins in us and we cease to cap on the garb of dual personalities and don on an image, complete in itself because it smelts the "dual", metamorphoses it, moulds it to scrape off the duality in us.
Well, isn't that utopic ?
Yes, that is all what growing up is all about. You will be highly mistaken if you presume that the growth I'm talking about is somatic or psychic. Its the spiritual growth of a person that is initiated by the purging of souls. The inertia of this process continues as long as the motley of ill clothes the soul. But the whole thing is directly proportional to the clarion call of our consciousness. One whose inner self desires to be on a perpetual necklock with the outer self and both are adamant enough as not to show a white flag, can never feel the egging of the superego; a man can never rise from his own ashes like a phoenix if he never treads on the wrong path and then realizes the foibles, if he never fiddles with his own self, if he never forges a way out for himself when fixated in the labyrinths of life. The Id of a man has to dodge into collision with his Super-ego if at all, the latter has to clinch away the coveted win.
So, there is a small piece of suggestion for all you sinners who commit sins day in and day out. Never try to repress your true feelings, never strangle your inner voice to death.
Rise to the call of the conscience.
Grave thoughts beautifully expressed!
This time you have used your writing prowess in a meaningful way. And I am really impressed.It is quite a journey into your mind ...
But tell me, if in the process of one's fiddling with his soul, a person close to him is hurt? Maybe this self-indulgent person would rise from his ashes someday, but what happens his well wishers feel ignored and wounded? You know, sometimes over-indulgence with oneself makes us forget rest of the world.
Hence, may I take this opportunity to add some of my perceptions to yours?
"Don't strangle your thoughts to death" but take time time to act upon them if your are unsure. Moreover, fiddle with your innerself/thoughts carefully. Always pause to think that your experiments (even if its your life) shouldn't affect persons you care for. Maybe it's not possible to humor everybody and their wishes. But you can try, at least!
And, doing so you will never walk alone in your life...
Quiet intricate piece, expressed masterfully, I must say. You talked about duality in characters, but in real, we assume several roles in different perspectives everyday. And while assuming these, in those instances, we pretty much revel in it.
It’s true - probably - that the real growth is when we acknowledge the truth in us - the truth about us. But normally that comes in a long way off in life. If such a thing is there at all.
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