Utopia : The Land of My Soul
Friday, December 08, 2006
Ahh Romanticism

It is a peached afternoon seeped in molten gold.
You and I are bathed in it, smeared with the warm joy.
Our minds are smelted together, hearts fused to form one.
Our entities are gilded such, that one needs to saw through it.
We sense unparalleled ecstasy together with eyes half shut.
But the fate of it seems as transcient as bubble, now palpable now gone!
Grasp it and it vanishes leaving you yearning for another chance...
Another chance just to see it from a distance collaged as one, and this time no fiddling with it.
Ah! the bitter part slaps you to reality -- things passed never recurs!
The illusion ends, with it ends a series of unrequited hopes, games unplayed, dreams undreamt.
Blobs of redness appear in the face, a salty taste spoils your taste buds, weariness seizes you.
A few days gone, the bitter feeling weakens .
One fine morning you wake up refreshed, anticipating something rivetting again.
You strut, bag the next opportunity left for you, fret , pretend to recount the past, smile foolishly and march forward victoriously.
Then again you have a honeyed afternoon decked up in rich colours.
again you feel the unalloyed happiness of togetherness and again...
Life goes on with tides of time rolling on shore and off it,
creating ripples and then smoothening it,
creating storms and then pacifying it,
creating placidity then suddenly frothening it.
Labels: Emotions and trivia
hey amrita after long time but with good one.
Yearning for another chance is all about everything in life.
Good one.
beautiful...its over a month since your last post and i just wanted to know one thing...did you pen this poem down in a moment of inspiration or did you take your time to write it. the imagery you have created here is so powerful...what takes it to totally another level is how all of us can identify with the pangs you express here.
good job!
Beautiful and meaningful poem.you write so well.
Beautiful, I would say. "Honeyed" expressions, you would put it:-)
Life is such package :-)
Heard this from a friend the other day - If everything comes your way in life, then you are probably in the wrong lane!
Good one Amu...
excellent prose..u have a nice penchant for expressing..all the words just seem to fall in place..
merry X mas!!!
loved it.. especially the ending line s :)
Beautifully put..
Well written... nice to see you back after so long!
Awesome expression ! That was a great series of feelings at various stages of life or to be precise love put together into words ! Beautiful flow..just like life, keep going dearie..it was a wonderful read.
Good one buddy,
Happy New year!!!!!!!
dat exactly is the truth. and it ends well. after al dat despair the blossoming of a new beginning
btw the new look is cool.and d post seems made with that picture in mind
Nice..Very nice.."Life goes on with tides of time rolling on shore and off it"..Ah...just so true but not always seen...Like your template, it lends the poem some visuals too :)
Haven't seen you for a while. Hope all fine at your end.
time to come back to blog world....
kaha ho aap?
Truly spectacular Amrita....
Can't quite describe how beautifully and lucidly you've conveyed the sort of pain and angst that each person faces at some time or the other in his/ her life with some games left unplayed, many dreams left undreamt before the sun shines through the thick, dark, stormy and overcast skies that seemed to engulf your life...giving new hope and a new reason to smile and dream again.
The last few lines were the crowning glory of this peace. You really are a master at this art. Keep it up!
great use of words...emotions expressed in short words...yeah awaiting for the next morning..be it good or bad is the best thing about life
!!! You are Tagged !!!
Great one amu! Ended well. We all seem to be writing on this " life goes on" theme. But really grt wrk here :)
long time no updates?
where ru?????? its too long ur not being here :( hope everything is fine with u :)
Every morning, a new promise, another aspiration, a new dream. And I leave home with thirsty eyes, hungry ears and desirous senses. The morning's lost in fervid activity, afternoons in futile search, evenings in downcast contemplation. The languid dawns merge into blazing afternoons, golden dusks. Then comes the night- poignant realization; another day passed, another bittersweet dream shattered; I collect the million pieces that were once my crystal Utopia. I shed a tear, doubt my dreams. And I go to sleep. There's something about the witching hours. I hear the whispers in my slumber. I believe the honeyed words, cling on, like a child, to my make believe world. Then it comes. Again a morning. Another promise, a new aspiration, another dream.
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